Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Does Chloe think of Mattix as crime?

Today I had to leave Rickell on her own for a while with the wild circus animals while I went to the doctor. I dropped Bentley off at preschool and felt only slight trepidation about leaving Rickell to take care of Chloe and Mattix. The truth is, Rickell is doing great. Whenever I show up, she has the kids fed, bathed, dressed, and usually, happy. So why do I feel I need to take a week off of work to "help" her? Because of that sweet, kewpie faced child with the long eyelashes and pouty lips named Chloe. She is hell on earth, fire in ice, mayhem in Eden, and any other phrase that is contrary to the circumstance. She lovingly tried to poke out Mattix's eyes, feed him potato chips, and toss matchbox cars into his crib. I am not sure why she makes me so nervous. When I returned to Rickell's after 2 hours, I was shocked to find that she had tried to take a bite out of that sweet little dude's forehead. Perfect dental impressions left on his face. The sad thing, I am not surprised. I am confused as to why his mom could be so surprised. Her gray matter must have come out with the afterbirth because she did not see this coming. Seeings how it could be months before he can defend himself, I worry a bunch about Mattix surviving Hurricane Chloe.

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